Tobias Erdle's Blog

Development Engineer working with different technologies. Former Jakarta MVC & Eclipse Krazo Committer. All views are my own.

Github: erdlet | E-Mail: blog (at) erdlet (punkt) de

About me

Hi, I'm Tobias and located in south germany. Most time of my carreer I've worked as a "Software Developer" on Java based applications, but did also a short excursion to the SAP and Ruby universe. Today I work as "Development Engineer" and work most of the time with TypeScript, React, ExpressJS, MongoDB and Powershell on Windows and Linux systems. I was an active Open Source committer for a few years, but I decided to retire to have more time for my family and other hobbies. You can find examples of my past OS engagement below.

If you have any questions or feedback on the blog or just want to talk about software engineering, feel free to contact me. Please be aware that I'll ignore every headhunter message and block the sender instantly.

Some Open Source engagements

These are some Open Source projects where I am / was participating.

Eclipse Krazo

Since 2019 I'm involved in Eclipse Krazo, the Jakarta MVC reference implementation. I started as contributor and got elected as a Commiter in late 2019. I have voluntarily withdrawn as Committer in Juli 2023.

GitHub Link to Eclipse Krazo

Jakarta MVC

Besides working on the reference implementation Eclipse Krazo, I'm also participating in the development of Jakarta MVC, the associated specification. Most contributions to this project were tutorials and documentation as well as some talks in german Java User Groups. I was a committer from 2021 until July 2023 for this project.

GitHub Link to Jakarta MVC


The mvc-toolbox is a collection of extensions for Jakarta MVC and Eclipse Krazo. Since a while I'm one of the project maintainers.

GitHub Link to mvc-toolbox

During spring 2021 I couldn't find a good dashboard providing me the latest COVID seven day incidences. They were relevant for knowing which rules had to be followed in which county or town. Therefore I wrote a small webapp using latest Jakarta EE technology which read the API that was also utilized by the official RKI dashboard. Since it was just a quickly implemented piece of personal software, don't expect high quality ;)

GitHub Link to covidboard


The project wants to help software developer and architects to think about specific aspects of their software architecture. I participated there a lot as writer for card descriptions and did some performance tuning on the website.

GitHub Link to cards42