Tobias Erdle's Blog

Development Engineer working with different technologies. Former Jakarta MVC & Eclipse Krazo Committer. All views are my own.

Github: erdlet | E-Mail: blog (at) erdlet (punkt) de

Export and import Windows third party drivers on command line


To export and import third party drivers between two Windows installations you can use pnputil.exe.

What is the challenge?

I have to maintain an Windows image that is rolled out on different hardware devices after doing a sysprep. Until now, there were only two devices and I created separate images with manually installed third party drivers. But in the future there are more devices to support and I had to find a solution to export drivers from a reference device and import them into a virtual machine that is used as base for a single general image.

How did I solve this challenge?

After doing some research I read about the Windows tool pnputil which is able to handle 3rd party drivers. With this tool I was able to export all third party drivers, for example the Intel Chipset driver, by using the command pnputil /export-driver * C:\Temp_Drivers (NOTE: the path C:\Temp_Drivers must exist and can be named like whatever you want). To import those drivers on the target machine, I used pnputil /add-driver C:\Temp_Drivers\*.inf /subdirs. Please ensure to use the /subdirs flag, so the tool looks recursively into the subdirectories. After the import is done, Windows contains those drivers in its storage and after e. g. a sysprep the correct drivers are used by the hardware devices.